Tags : Biohacking

Adipotide: dangerous fat-burner or miracle drug?

Adipotide (Prohibitin-targeting Peptide 1) is a peptide that was originally developed for the treatment of cancer. However, animal studies found that it could destroy fat cells and cause fat loss. Unfortunately, this drug can be very dangerous if misused, hence its infamous reputation in bodybuilding circles. What does Adipotide do? In a nutshell, Adipotide targets […]Read More

Can you get taller with HGH?

As you probably know, Human Growth Hormone is prescribed to teenagers who suffer from delayed growth to stimulate their growth and increase height, bone density, muscle mass & more. However, what not everyone knows is that even regular short people who did not suffer from delayed growth could have been able to become taller by […]Read More

Epitalon 101: The ultimate anti-aging peptide

Epitalon is an anti-aging peptide that works by activating telomerase. It is a synthetic derivative of Epithalamin, a substance that can be found in the pineal gland, that was developed by scientists in the late Soviet Union. Epitalon has always been one of the rarest and most underrated peptides on the market, but in recent […]Read More

Methylene Blue: Does it live up to the hype?

Methylene Blue is a fascinating chemical compound with a fascinating history and a wide array of applications. Known by its scientific name, “methylthioninium chloride”, this versatile dye has found its way into various fields, from medicine to chemistry, to photography and even biohacking. In this article, we will delve into what makes Methylene Blue such […]Read More