Pro-tip of the day: combining Creeping Death and Doggcrapp

Two of my favorite training methodologies are John Meadows’ Mountain Dogg and Dante Trudel’s Doggcrapp, both stand out for their powerful intensity and in my opinion, they are very useful in a bulking phase to promote muscle growth, therefore I am going to adapt John Meadows’ Creeping Death 2 book and Doggcrapp’s main guidelines to my own way.

Both programs are divided into two phases:

The resting phase

In the case of John Meadows, a Deload phase that would last a week and that we could use whenever we wanted (deloading the daily volume at 20%, not taking any set to failure and a maximum RPE of 8) compared to what Dante refers to as a cruising phase with a duration of one to two weeks (the advanced techniques are eliminated and series away from failure are done), here I would choose to follow the Deload phase of John Meadows but using Dante’s advanced techniques, when performing the myo-reps we would overcome the failure but without an abundant volume of weight which would be useful, we would apply extreme stretches one minute at the end of each session (position the muscle in a position of maximum flexion with an average load for one minute).

The hard phase

Then comes the Overload phase proposed by John Meadows in which the increase in intensity will be based on the increase in repetitions per week combined with characteristic exercises to improve the separation of the muscle fascia by increasing blood flow compared to the proposed Blasting phase by Dante where the work volume would be much lower but the loads higher, I would suggest a combination of both, increasing volume and weight weekly, adding a final phase with low volume and high load at failure, followed by the pump phase that proposes John Meadows to end with the extreme stretches that Dante proposes.

Training days and exercises

I would base myself on the John Meadows tables since it is based on a Pull, Push, Legs balanced routine versus the division in a routine A (Pectoral, shoulder, triceps, amplitude back, back density) and a B routine (Biceps, forearms, calf, femoral, quadriceps) with an initial work of 3 days a week compared to the 6 days a week that John proposes.


I would also base myself on John’s routine, which only uses the basics to measure progress on a weekly level and offers a wide variety of exercises compared to the basic-based training that Dante proposes, I would propose to use all the techniques of intensity that Dante suggests as Myo-reps, rest-pause and extreme stretches added to using elastic bands as a pre-activation phase as suggested by John Meadows.

Marco D. Angelo

PhD in biochemistry, specialized in enzymology and metabolic biochemistry with a background in pharmacology, he works in a molecular biology laboratory and in his spare time works as a high-performance trainer in addition to assisting other coaches.