The interaction between Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and recreational drugs like cocaine, alcohol and others is rarely discussed, but after doing some research on the subject I have found some concerning data that I believe every enhanced bodybuilder should be aware of. Like it or not, studies have shown that there is a correlation between AAS […]Read More
Glutathione is an antioxidant peptide found in most living organisms, including humans, animals, plants and fungi. Its job is to fight oxidative stress and prevent free radicals from damaging the body. Glutathione is popular among enhanced bodybuilders because it protects and regenerates the liver and the kidneys, two organs that are likely to suffer some […]Read More
The number 1 reason why many enhanced athletes are afraid of pinning Testosterone and other injectable anabolics is PAIN. They are afraid of the pain that comes the intramuscular injection as well as the pain that stays after the injection (PIP). Even though the pain of an injection varies depending on the thickness of the […]Read More
Hair loss is one of the most feared side-effects of AAS use. Most people are not willing to trade more muscle for less hair, so knowing how to detect hair loss in its early stages and put an end to it as rapidly as possible is key. Thankfully, not everyone is prone to losing hair […]Read More
The injectable testosterone-derived AAS Boldenone (aka Equipoise or EQ) has always been regarded as a safe, mild and newbie-friendly AAS. But is it really? I personally do not think it is, so in this post we will be taking a look at the unique risks that come with EQ so you can decide for yourself! […]Read More
Did you know that many oral AAS can be injected? The most commonly used and easy-to-find ones are Dianabol and Winstrol, but some users also make their own injectable Superdrol, Anadrol, Turinabol and Anavar preparations. In this post we will be focusing on the most commonly used ones: injectable Dianabol and Winstrol. INJECTABLE DIANABOL […]Read More
Post-Injection Pain (PIP) is one of the worst things about having to inject Anabolic Steroids. Most of the time, PIP is minimal and subsides minutes or hours after the injections, but extreme cases of PIP can hinder our ability to exercise, walk and even sit! Is pinning AAS really worth it if we can’t even […]Read More
Triptorelin is a peptide hormone that acts as an analog of GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone). GnRH is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the hypothalamus which triggers the production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which stimulate Testosterone production and spermatogenesis, respectively. The way Triptorelin works is really simple: It replaces our naturally occurring […]Read More
What are the 4 safest oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids one can use? Well, no AAS is 100% safe to use, but figuring out what the safest ones are depends on one’s own definition of the word “safe”. Oral AAS that cause hair loss may be safe to someone who is bald or someone who doesn’t […]Read More
When it comes to preserving testicular function, testicular size and fertility during a cycle (or during TRT), HCG is always the first peptide hormone to be suggested. Its usefulness is unquestionable because the vast majority of men who implement it are able to prevent/reverse testicular atrophy and a reduction in spermatogenesis, but there are situations […]Read More