First of all, let’s define what a 1RM, or a 1 repetition max, is: it’s the most amount of weight you can lift for a given movement with or without strict form. Knowing your 1RM can be extremely helpful for a number of reasons: it allows you to track your progress from time to time, […]Read More
The post-activation potentiation is an effect that occurs at the muscular level that consists of an abundant improvement of muscular performance after a stimulus that has been received previously. It can be very useful for Powerlifting and Strongman practitioners when they want to set a new record due to the notable improvements that are given […]Read More
Two of my favorite training methodologies are John Meadows’ Mountain Dogg and Dante Trudel’s Doggcrapp, both stand out for their powerful intensity and in my opinion, they are very useful in a bulking phase to promote muscle growth, therefore I am going to adapt John Meadows’ Creeping Death 2 book and Doggcrapp’s main guidelines to […]Read More
There are two very interesting training methodologies, one of them consists of doing effective repetitions after reaching failure (Myo-Reps) and the other consists of stretching the fascia that covers the muscle (FST-7) , both combined can give a very good result. In the last set of each exercise, the following should be done: With a […]Read More
Recently the Canadian athlete and youtuber Jeff Nippard made a video interviewing 5 of the greatest personalities in the training world: Mike Israetel, John Meadows, Stefi Cohen, Eric Helms and Greg Nuckols, with a simple question: How hard should you train to build Muscle? These were their responses: Dr. Mike Israetel: we must train hard […]Read More