Blast and Cruise protocol – What is it and should you do it or not?

A blast and cruise protocol refers to alternating between high (the blast) and low (the cruise) dosages of steroids. The main goal with this approach is to maintain the gains achieved during the blast phase more effectively as the hormonal rollercoaster seen in a traditional cycle-pct protocol is avoided. When on a blast and cruise, one doesn’t come off of steroids completely and, as such, a faster and more consistent development can be expected over an extended period of time.

As for each of the individual phases, the “cruise” generally consists of a lower dose of testosterone if compared to your blast phase. A cruise phase can be actual TRT dosages, slightly above or well above these dosages, depending on your size and blast doses. It can also combine hormones, like test/deca or test with a little dbol here and there. Guys blasting with 500mg total will probably cruise on TRT doses or close to it, while guys blasting with 3-4g will cruise on 350-700mg per week. This phase is particularly well suited for eating above maintenance and training well as test alone or test/deca or even test/dbol are good hormonal environments to gain mass.

The “blast” phase consists of a period where more substances are used and doses are higher. Depending on whether or not you’re trying to gain muscle or lose fat, different compounds and dietary strategies are recommended based on your goals. Most people will only do a couple of blasts a year to keep risks and health at check. A blast is usually a phase where your body undergoes a significant amount of stress because of the multiple steroids being used for several weeks at a time.

If you’re willing to engage in a blast and cruise protocol, there a few key points to keep in mind while considering it:

  • It’s a commitment: once you’re on a blast and cruise for some time, it’s much harder to leave it when compared to a regular cycle, as your body’s own hormones have been shut down for longer, they will probably take longer to recover if they will be able to at all (the need for lifetime HRT is possible or even likely);
  • Regular bloodwork is strongly advisable: If you’re on a blast and cruise protocol you should check lipid levels and organs functions on a regular basis, so you have a chance to stop/recover before it’s too late;
  • Regular injections: depending on which esters are being used, you’re going to need to inject frequently the whole year. That means taking steroids with you on a vacation or making arrangements to get it locally;

As far as benefits go, we’re looking at:

  • Little to no hormonal variations: as you have a constant source of exogenous hormones while on a blast and cruise, you don’t depend on your body’s fluctuations to regulate your levels; your natural production is totally bypassed.
  • Steady, faster gains: when entering a cruise phase, if done correctly, you get to keep a very good amount of the gains made during the blast as there will be no period of hormonal shutdown;
  • Physical and mental well-being: the hardest part of a regular cycle is ending it. Feeling your strength go away, looking worse and smaller every day in the mirror as your levels drop, the decreased libido and all the other effects of stopping the steroids can take a toll on you both mentally and physically. With a blast and cruise, this just doesn’t happen with such intensity, as you will still be supplementing with testosterone after the blast phase ends.

Generally, a blast and cruise approach is the first thing a bodybuilder switches to once he decides to be serious about it and wants to get competitive. As it is a hard commitment, recreational steroid users should think really hard as to whether it is worth it or not to do so. If you do, use quality gear and take care of your health as best as you can.

Marco D. Angelo

PhD in biochemistry, specialized in enzymology and metabolic biochemistry with a background in pharmacology, he works in a molecular biology laboratory and in his spare time works as a high-performance trainer in addition to assisting other coaches.