Tags : Fat-Burners

Adipotide: dangerous fat-burner or miracle drug?

Adipotide (Prohibitin-targeting Peptide 1) is a peptide that was originally developed for the treatment of cancer. However, animal studies found that it could destroy fat cells and cause fat loss. Unfortunately, this drug can be very dangerous if misused, hence its infamous reputation in bodybuilding circles. What does Adipotide do? In a nutshell, Adipotide targets […]Read More

The impact of steroid use on thyroid production

Something that we rarely discuss in the bodybuilding community is the impact AAS use has on thyroid function. Is it positive? Is it detrimental? In this article, I will be looking at some of the data regarding the interaction between AAS and endogenous thyroid hormones, and explain why using low doses of exogenous thyroid hormones […]Read More

Nebivolol 101

Nebivolol is a medication that belongs to the class of beta-blockers. It is used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Nebivolol works by reducing the workload on the heart and lowering the heart rate, which in turn lowers blood pressure. This has made it incredibly useful not only as a medication, but […]Read More

The truth about DNP

DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) is perhaps the most infamous and lethal drug in bodybuilding. Historically, this brutal fat-burner has been used for the production of black dyes, explosives, ammunitions and pesticides, but it was also sold as an over-the-counter fat burner in the 1930s (it didn’t end well). This drug is so powerful and thermogenic, that Soviet […]Read More