Tags : Short Cycles

Dihydroboldenone: The forgotten AAS

Dihydroboldenone (also known as DHB or 1-Testosterone Cypionate) is an injectable AAS and the 5-alpha-reduced derivative of Boldenone (Equipoise). In other words, DHB is to Equipoise what DHT is to Testosterone, but DHB and DHT are extremely different. DHB is not a popular AAS by any means, but its properties are nothing short of spectacular. […]Read More

The truth about DNP

DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) is perhaps the most infamous and lethal drug in bodybuilding. Historically, this brutal fat-burner has been used for the production of black dyes, explosives, ammunitions and pesticides, but it was also sold as an over-the-counter fat burner in the 1930s (it didn’t end well). This drug is so powerful and thermogenic, that Soviet […]Read More

4 rare AAS

The following compounds are rare Anabolic Androgenic Steroids that were legally sold as “Pro-Hormones” in supplement stores during the late 2000s and early 2010s. These are NOT pro-hormones, because they are already active and do not need to undergo a conversion into a different molecule inside the body to exert their effects. 3/4 of these […]Read More

Top 4 safest oral AAS

What are the 4 safest oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids one can use? Well, no AAS is 100% safe to use, but figuring out what the safest ones are depends on one’s own definition of the word “safe”. Oral AAS that cause hair loss may be safe to someone who is bald or someone who doesn’t […]Read More

Short cycles: why you should consider them

In practical terms, any use of supraphysiological hormones for an amount of time between 2 to 6 weeks can be considered a short cycle. Now you may have heard throughout your whole life that anything below 8 or 10 weeks is a waste of time and gear, but in reality, there are a few cases […]Read More