In the world of skincare and cosmetic treatments, one ingredient has been constantly gaining attention for its potent rejuvenating properties: Polydeoxyribonucleotide, or PDRN. Derived from the DNA of salmon or trout, PDRN is a unique substance that has made significant progress in both medical and aesthetic fields. Known for its ability to promote skin healing, […]Read More
Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and sleep apnea are becoming incredibly common among the general population, but especially among enhanced bodybuilders. It’s high time we address these issues and provide proper solutions. In this article, we will be taking a look at the different solutions you can implement to fix your sleep quality as a bodybuilder […]Read More
Muscle memory is a popular concept in fitness, often described as the body’s ability to “remember” previous muscle size and strength levels, allowing for quicker recovery after a period of inactivity. But just how real is this idea? What happens to your muscles during a long break, and how does muscle memory really work? This […]Read More
A glucometer is a small medical device that measures the concentration of glucose in your blood. Chances are you’ve seen someone in your family use it, because it’s a must-have for diabetics (and let’s face it, we all have a diabetic person in our extended family). Why must enhanced bodybuilders use it? Firstly, a glucometer […]Read More
Bodybuilding, muscle growth or just being fit all require a careful balance of diet, exercise, rest, and adequate hormone levels. While most people focus on training and nutrition, there’s an often-overlooked factor that could be messing with your efforts: environmental toxins. Specifically, endocrine disruptors (found in everyday household products) can interfere with your body’s hormonal […]Read More
We all know what a blood pressure monitor is. Those cuffs that wrap around the arm and inflate and deflate to tell us what our blood pressure is. In my opinion, every enhanced bodybuilder should have one on hand and use it regularly on-cycle to keep track of blood pressure fluctuations (which we all know […]Read More
Strength training is a major part of bodybuilding and athletic performance, traditionally valued for its ability to build muscle, increase strength, and improve overall fitness. However, beyond these physical benefits, there’s yet another fascinating aspect of strength training: its impact on the brain. Neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural […]Read More
When it comes to bodybuilding, we often tend to focus on training routines, nutrition plans, supplements, and hormones. However, probably the most important aspect of muscle recovery and growth that gets overlooked is sleep. More specifically, not just how much sleep you get or how good it its, but the position in which you sleep […]Read More
In bodybuilding, joint stiffness can occur due to intense training and the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). AAS use may lead to joint discomfort by altering fluid retention and collagen synthesis, resulting in restricted movement and pain. This can affect performance, recovery, and overall joint health, while also facilitating the occurrence of injuries. Therefore, one […]Read More
In the quest for better health and fitness, people are always on the lookout for natural compounds that can boost performance, enhance recovery, and support overall well-being. One such compound that has garnered attention in recent years is Cyanidin 3-Glucoside (C3G). Found abundantly in dark-colored fruits and vegetables like blackberries, blueberries, and purple corn, C3G […]Read More