Cerebrolysin 101 the ultimate nootropic

Cerebrolysin 101: the ultimate nootropic?

Cerebrolysin is a neuropeptide-based medication that has been used in the treatment of various neurological and psychiatric disorders.

It is derived from pig brain proteins and has a similar structure to human brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that plays a vital role in the development and function of the nervous system.

In recent years, it has grown in popularity in bodybuilding, anti-aging and bio-hacking circles for its incredible cognitive-enhancing, neuroprotective and brain-repairing properties.

How does Cerebrolysin work?

Cerebrolysin is believed to act on various receptors in the brain, including those for BDNF. BDNF is a protein that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the nervous system. It supports the survival of existing neurons and stimulates the growth of new ones. By acting on BDNF receptors, Cerebrolysin may help to promote the growth and function of neurons (neurogenesis), leading to improved brain function.

However, as you are about to see, Cerebrolysin also appears to have benefits which can not be explained by the BDNF mechanism of action. More research is needed to fully understand how it works.

Benefits of Cerebrolysin

Cerebrolysin has been shown to have a number of potential benefits for the brain and nervous system.

One of the main indications for Cerebrolysin is in the treatment of stroke. It has been shown to reduce the size of the affected area in the brain and improve functional recovery, leading to improved quality of life for stroke patients.

Cerebrolysin has also been studied in the treatment of other neurological conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and traumatic brain injury due to its promotions of neurogenesis.

In patients with dementia, Cerebrolysin has been shown to improve cognitive function and delay the progression of the disease.

It has also been shown to be effective in improving symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease, including tremors and difficulty with movement.

In patients with traumatic brain injury, Cerebrolysin has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing long-term disabilities.

In addition to its potential benefits for neurological conditions, Cerebrolysin may also have other potential benefits. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and to promote the repair of damaged brain tissue. It may also have antioxidant effects, which could help to protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals.

Anecdotally, Cerebrolysin is used by not only to improve cognitive function and perform better in an entrepreneurial / academic context, but to heal the brain and withdraw from addictions.

NOTE: This drug does not provide a cognitive boost right away. In fact, the brain fog it causes at first may have the opposite effect during a day or two. This drug improves your cognitive function in the long term.

Because Cerebrolysin can potentially promote the production of new neurons, it would not be a far stretch to claim that Cerebrolysin may reverse the brain damage caused by recreational drugs, traumatic injuries and AAS like Trenbolone.

Side-effects of Cerebrolysin

The most common side effects of Cerebrolysin include:

  • Brain Fog: This side-effect is inevitable and it is a surefire way to make sure your Cerebrolysin is legit. In other words, this is a necessary side-effect that proves the peptide is working.
  • Nausea: Some people may experience nausea after taking Cerebrolysin.
  • Dizziness: Some people may experience dizziness or lightheadedness after taking Cerebrolysin.
  • Headache: Headaches are a common side effect of Cerebrolysin. In rare cases, Cerebrolysin may also cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.

How to use it

Cerebrolysin should be injected intravenously or intramuscularly (I recommend the latter) at a dose of 5ml to 10ml a day, 3 to 5x a week for up to 2 months at a time.

It is recommended to inject it IM in the traps as they are closer to the brain than any other easily injectable muscle.

Some people have also used it subcutaneously, but the effects don’t seem to be as strong.

In conclusion, Cerebrolysin is a promising nootropic that can significantly improve anyone’s brain function while preventing neurodegenerative diseases in a seemingly safe way. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of scientific data about it, so more research is needed for this compound to be fully understood.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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