The ultimate male enhancement stack

The ultimate male enhancement stack

Let’s have fun today. What can you take to make your sex life as fun and memorable as possible? How can you not only improve your enjoyment, but leave an amazing impression on your partner and make sure they have a great time as well?

In this article, I’ll be sharing my go-to pre-sex stack with you, along with some options I personally don’t use but I know for a fact work like a charm.

In my opinion, a good sex enhancement drug/supplement cocktail requires a libido enhancer, an erection enhancer, and a volume enhancer.

Libido enhancer

In order to maximize my sexual desire, I personally use Maca root powder (2g a day). Even if you already have a very healthy libido, Maca will take it to the next level.

Other options are Ashwagandha extract (1g a day) and Horny Goat’s Weed (1g a day). Red Ginseng, Fenugreek, Ginkgo Biloba and Tribulus Terrestris can also be helpful but in my experience they don’t work that well.

If you want an “unnatural” libido enhancer, you have two options. The first one is Proviron at 50mg a day, it will shoot your DHT levels through through the roof and it will increase your sex drive significantly.

The other option is PT-141 (Bremelanotide). This peptide was developed (and approved) for the treatment of low libido in women. Despite this, it also improves libido and erectile function in men, so you can use it at 1 to 2mg 1 hour before sex.

Erection enhancer

When it comes to improving erectile function, I personally believe that Tadalafil is the best option. 5mg taken 2h before action does the trick (you can use up to 10mg without side-effects, but 5mg is enough for most men), and the effects last for up to 36 hours.

Some alternatives to Tadalafil are Sildenafil at 25 to 50mg (take 30min pre action, effects last for up to 6 hours) or Vardenafil at 10 to 20mg (take 1h pre action, effects last for up to 7 or 8 hours).

Besides these meds, you can also use PT-141 as indicated in the previous section of this post, and you can even combine it with Tadalafil, Sildenafil or Vardenafil (take half the normal dose of these meds if you stack one of them with PT-141).

If you want to keep it “natural” instead of resorting to pharmaceuticals, you can always take 10g of L-Citrulline and one tablespoon of raw cacao powder 30 minutes before sex. You will notice a significant improvement in erectile function, but it won’t last for more than an hour so time it properly.

Volume enhancer

Using a load enhancer is not as important as using libido and erection enhancers, but improving your sperm volume can make the orgasm more pleasurable.

My go-to load enhancing stack is Zinc at 25mg a day, Sunflower Lecithin at 3g a day and Pygeum at 200mg a day. Besides this, taking Vitamin D3 at 8k iu a day (if you don’t get enough sun exposure) can also help.

Clomiphene, HCG and HMG will also improve sperm volume.


Whether you want to fix your sex life or take it to the next level, these natural and not-so-natural solutions will help you maximize your sexual desire, sexual function and climax quality in no time.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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