Tags : Harm Mitigation

Dealing with joint stiffness on AAS

In bodybuilding, joint stiffness can occur due to intense training and the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). AAS use may lead to joint discomfort by altering fluid retention and collagen synthesis, resulting in restricted movement and pain. This can affect performance, recovery, and overall joint health, while also facilitating the occurrence of injuries. Therefore, one […]Read More

Understanding cholesterol on AAS

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can significantly impact cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you are an athlete who values health, longevity and being your best self, you must understand what cholesterol is and keep track of it… Total cholesterol This parameter measures the total amount of cholesterol in your blood. It is NOT […]Read More

TRT add-ons

After our “TRT PLUS” series, it is time for us to do an article for those who don’t want to go that far and who simply want to take safe natural supplements and/or synthetic drugs that work synergistically with TRT to improve their health, well-being or performance without having to use Anabolic Steroids. Here are […]Read More

B-AET: the fat-burner you’ve never heard of

B-AET, also known as Beta-Androstenetriol, is a DHEA metabolite that offers incredible health benefits, anti-catabolism, and fat-loss. Unfortunately, chances are you’ve never heard of this compound before. Fortunately, the reason why you’ve never heard of it before is that it’s incredibly hard to find, and not because it has some major drawback that makes it […]Read More

MOTS-c: a promising PED

MOTS-c (Mitochondrial Open reading frame of the Twelve S rRNA-c) is a 16-amino-acid, mitochondrial analogue peptide that has recently garnered some attention in bodybuilding circles thanks to its seemingly miraculous properties. The role of MOTS-c is to regulate metabolic functions for the production of energy. It’s mechanism of action is incredibly complicated and not very […]Read More

Nattokinase: a supplement you should be taking

The use of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs leads to an increase in blood thickness. This is extremely dangerous, as it causes an increase in blood pressure that can cause dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds and other annoying side-effects short-term, but also cardiac hypertrophy and even deadly cardiovascular events in the long run. Donating blood during and/or […]Read More

Rauwolscine: the ultimate solution for love handles?

Yohimbine is a potent fat-burning agent that is known for 3 things: Being extremely effective at reducing stubborn fat, improving libido significantly and causing terrible fever-like symptoms in most users. Rauwolscine (alpha-yohimbine) is an isomer of Yohimbine that is slowly gaining popularity as a cleaner, safer yet more effective alternative to its parent compound. It […]Read More

Sobetirome: T3 without the side-effects?

Sobetirome (also known as GC-1) is a Thyroid Receptor Beta-Specific Agonist drug that was developed as a potential alternative to T3 and T4 for the treatment of hypothyroidism. As you know, the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 regulate metabolism and other important physiological processes within the body, so being thyroid deficient is not only incredibly […]Read More