If you have been in this space for a while, chances are you are familiar with almost every PED-related acronym and abbreviation there is. However, we sometimes forget some or even see new ones that we don’t understand, so here’s a list of pretty much every single acronym and abbreviation I could think of! […]Read More
Tags : Pro-Hormones
Trenbolone is an AAS that requires no introduction. If this is the first time you hear about it, I have no idea how you ended up here… It is no secret that Tren is extremely anabolic and capable of providing amazing gains in muscle mass, but there is a seldom mentioned property of Trenbolone that […]Read More
When it comes to running testosterone, many people struggle to choose between Testosterone Cypionate (Test C) and Testosterone Enanthate (Test E). In this post, we will compare them with each other so you can choose the perfect Test ester for your needs. HALF-LIFE COMPARISON Test E has a half-life of approximately 5 days, whereas […]Read More
Dihydroboldenone (also known as DHB or 1-Testosterone Cypionate) is an injectable AAS and the 5-alpha-reduced derivative of Boldenone (Equipoise). In other words, DHB is to Equipoise what DHT is to Testosterone, but DHB and DHT are extremely different. DHB is not a popular AAS by any means, but its properties are nothing short of spectacular. […]Read More
The following compounds are rare Anabolic Androgenic Steroids that were legally sold as “Pro-Hormones” in supplement stores during the late 2000s and early 2010s. These are NOT pro-hormones, because they are already active and do not need to undergo a conversion into a different molecule inside the body to exert their effects. 3/4 of these […]Read More