Bolasterone 101 – a forgotten AAS?

Bolasterone is an oral AAS that was developed in the 1960s by the pharmaceutical company Wyeth.

It was initially used in the treatment of cachexia, a condition characterized by severe weight loss and muscle wasting in patients with advanced cancer or other chronic illnesses. Unfortunately, it was abandoned because it was too powerful to be used in a therapeutic context, but it is still used in veterinary medicine.

Even though it never became a popular AAS among bodybuilders, there is some anecdotal information about it in the deepest corners of the bodybuilding internet.

In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about this mysterious AAS so you can get a better idea of how it works and what it does.

Quick facts about Bolasterone

  • Bolasterone is a Testosterone derivative.
  • Bolasterone is supposed to have a poor ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity.
  • Bolasterone’s half-life is unknown.
  • Bolasterone is 17-alpha-alkylated, so it is quite liver toxic.
  • Bolasterone is banned by WADA and other anti-doping agencies, so it can’t be used by tested athletes.

Benefits of Bolasterone

The obvious benefits are an increase in muscle mass, bone density, strength and preservation of muscle tissue in a cutting context. But what does the anecdotal data say?

The few people who have used it report that it is a very powerful lean bulking agent. It is capable of increasing weight significantly without causing too much water retention, as it appears to be non-estrogenic.

It has also been described as a very powerful strength-builder that does not hinder the integrity of the joints, so it should be incredibly effective in a powerlifting context.

While it does improve vascularity to some extent, the muscle fullness and pumps it provides are much more remarkable.

Side-effects of Bolasterone

Here are the side-effects one can expect from this AAS…

  • Liver toxicity: Bolasterone is metabolized by the liver, so it will cause significant liver damage.
  • Cardiovascular effects: Bolasterone can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.
  • Androgenic effects: Bolasterone MAY cause androgenic side effects, such as acne, hair loss, and an enlarged prostate.
  • Virilization: Bolasterone can cause virilization in women, which is the development of male characteristics, such as a deepening voice and facial hair growth.

Bolasterone users don’t report any unique side-effects besides the one we’ve just mentioned.

How to use Bolasterone

Anecdotally, Bolasterone is used at a dose of 5 to 25mg a day for up to 4 weeks at a time. Some users report using up to 50mg a day without facing serious toxicity problems.

I would err on the side of caution and start at 10mg a day for a week, then increase to 20 or 25mg a day for the rest of the cycle.

Needless to say, having a good liver support and cholesterol management protocol in place would be necessary.


In conclusion, Bolasterone is a long-forgotten yet fascinating compound that could provide incredible gains in a short period of time at the expense of one’s health.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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