Metribolone 101: Oral Trenbolone

Metribolone 101: Oral Trenbolone

Metribolone (also known as R1881 or Methyltrienolone) is an oral AAS and the 17-alpha-alkylated version of Trenbolone. In other words, Metribolone is ORAL Trenbolone, and yes, it’s as crazy as it seems.

Believe it or not, it was originally developed to treat breast cancer in women, but it was discarded as soon as they started researching it because it caused severe liver toxicity even at very low doses.

This should be a good indicator as to why Metribolone is not a popular oral AAS among bodybuilders. The reality is that doing a Metribolone cycle is a terrible idea, but there’s still room for it in an advanced enhanced bodybuilder’s PED cabinet. Keep reading to find out why!

Benefits of Metribolone

Imagine every single benefit that can be attributed to AAS as a whole and take it to the max: That’s Metribolone.

In other words, Metribolone is extremely effective at:

  • Building a LOT of lean muscle mass.
  • Increasing strength DRAMATICALLY.
  • Providing muscle hardness, vascularity and pumps like no other oral can.
  • Contributing to fat loss by decreasing cortisol levels.
  • Making you more sensitive to IGF-1.
  • Increasing sex drive significantly.

Now, if you have been following me for a while you will know that I don’t believe in the anabolic : androgenic ratios of AAS because they rarely reflect reality, but on paper, Metribolone is up to 300 times more anabolic than Testosterone.

Another benefit of Metribolone that we will delve into in the “HOW TO USE IT” section is that its short half-life makes it an excellent pre-workout option for advanced bodybuilders looking to absolutely dominate the gym.

Side-effects of Metribolone

The side-effects are what make Metribolone less fun than it seems at first glance. As you probably know, Trenbolone is famous for being the most powerful yet dangerous steroid.

Trenbolone causes severe testicular shut down, it increases prolactin levels (which can cause gyno and sexual dysfunction), it damages the kidneys, it can cause hair loss and acne, it causes dyslipidemia, it increases blood pressure, it makes the user aggressive and paranoid, it causes extreme sweating, it destroys sleep and MUCH more.

Well, as oral Trenbolone, Metribolone causes all those side-effects PLUS extreme liver toxicity. I think it would be fair to say that taking the average Metribolone dose for 5 days straight would damage your liver as much as drinking 2 or 3 drinks per day, 5 days in a row.

How to use it

Given how hepatotoxic Metribolone is, running a normal 4-week cycle is a terrible idea that could easily result in serious liver damage and require medical attention.

I can only see it being used for a few weeks at a time if the user is injecting glutathione regularly. Some users can get away with running it for 2 weeks leading to a competition (whether it’s a bodybuilding contest or a powerlifting meet) if they know what they are doing and have all the right ancillaries in place.

In order to mitigate the damage of Metribolone, I would always run it with Pramipexole at 0.125mg EOD to control prolactin, Tadalafil at 5mg EOD to control blood pressure, Ezetimibe at 10mg/day to control cholesterol and injectable glutathione (500mg 3x a week).

Needless to say, bodybuilders who are not on Testosterone and planning to stay on it should not consider using Metribolone.

In my opinion, the best use case for Metribolone is as a very occasional pre-workout that only VERY experienced enhanced bodybuilders can use every now and then to get a serious boost at the gym.

In terms of dosing, I would recommend 2.5mg pre-workout or 2.5mg daily for up to 2 weeks if doing a cycle with all the aforementioned precautionary measures in place.

The conclusion is that Metribolone is arguably the most dangerous AAS ever developed. There are very few situations in which an experienced bodybuilder, let alone a newbie, would remotely consider using it.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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