Why peptides are useless (after 4 weeks)

Why peptides are useless (after 4 weeks)

Peptides are typically reconstituted with bacteriostatic (BAC) water, which is a form of sterile water with a small percentage of alcohol (0.9%) that prevents bacterial development.

BAC water is WAY better than traditional sterile water, which only allows a peptide to last for a few days before completely degrading. Still, BAC water is NOT perfect, and typically only allows a peptide to last for 3 to 4 weeks before it loses its potency and is rendered useless (assuming you store it correctly, otherwise it’s all gone in a day or two).

This issue tends to affect HCG users the most. Some bodybuilders use a vial for 7 to 8 weeks, but notice that their testicles start to shrink after week 3 or 4 because by that point the HCG has fully degraded.

The same applies to pretty much every peptide on the market.

A vial of BPC-157 or TB-500 typically lasts 10 to 20 days at normal doses, so very few people on these peptides experience a loss of effectiveness. Same goes for IGF-1 DES/LR3, DSIP, Ipamorelin, AOD/Frag and other peptides that can be used on a daily basis.

The most commonly affected peptides are CJC-1295 DAC, HCG, Melanotan-2, PT-141, Semaglutide, etc… People use them once or twice a week, and they expect the whole vial to last for a few months when in reality they are better off reconstituting a new vial after 4 weeks.

Other common mistakes

I also come across a lot of people who complain about their peptides not working because they didn’t follow proper reconstitution techniques.

I recently got a message from a guy saying his BPC-157 was not working. He had been using it for a month to try and heal an injury and he saw no progress whatsoever.

Turns out he was messing up the integrity of the peptide during the reconstitution process by injecting the BAC water directly into the BPC-157 powder.

When you reconstitute a vial, you must be extremely gentle and make sure the water does not hit the powder directly.

Instead, aim for the walls of the vial and let the water flow to the bottom. Do this slowly instead of pushing all the water into the vial at once. Once you are done inserting the water, let it dissolve the peptide on its own instead of shaking the vial.

Peptides are extremely fragile, and it is a well-known fact that “shocking” the powder can cause it to lose potency and even become useless.

Want to ensure your peptides work as intended for as long as possible?

 Keep these rules in mind:

  • Do NOT shock the peptide by injecting water directly into the powder. Aim for the walls of the vial and let the water flow towards the bottom of the vial.
  • Once that’s done, let the water dissolve the powder on its own. Do NOT shake the vial.
  • Do NOT use regular sterile water (unless you intend on using the whole vial at once or in 2 to 4 days). Use BAC water instead.
  • Do NOT expect a vial to keep working 4 weeks after reconstitution. Get rid of it (even if you are technically throwing money) and get a new vial ready.

This makes peptides more expensive than they already are, but the alternative is to inject useless water expecting results to continue, which is an exercise in futility.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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