Tags : Insulin Resistance

Mounjaro vs Ozempic: a comparison regarding weight loss

In order to achieve and maintain a lower bodyweight, be it for aesthetic or health-related reasons, people often try various methods, including the use of medications that, although initially designed to help with type-2 diabetes, also aid in weight loss. Two very important options in this class are Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and Ozempic (semaglutide). This article […]Read More

Why every bodybuilder must own a glucometer

A glucometer is a small medical device that measures the concentration of glucose in your blood. Chances are you’ve seen someone in your family use it, because it’s a must-have for diabetics (and let’s face it, we all have a diabetic person in our extended family).     Why must enhanced bodybuilders use it? Firstly, […]Read More

Insulin sensivity and protocols

Pathophysiological alterations in glucose tolerance On average, a healthy adult human has about 90mg / dL of glucose in an 8-hour fasting state; the level of normality ranges from 70 to 110mg / dL, qualifying any measurement between 110 and 125mg / dL as pre-diabetes and from 126mg / dL onwards, as diabetes. Insulin is […]Read More