Tags : Sports Performance

The Conjugate Method

The Conjugate Method is a training system that combines different methods of strength and conditioning to achieve optimal results. It was developed by Louie Simmons and the Westside Barbell Gym, based on the principles of Soviet and Bulgarian weightlifting. It is designed to overcome plateaus, prevent injuries, and enhance athetic performance by constantly varying the […]Read More

Take Your Squats to the Next Level with Iso-Holds

Squats are one of the best exercises for building strength and size in your lower body. But if you want to take your squat game to the next level, you might want to try adding some iso-holds to your routine. Iso-holds are a type of isometric training, which means you contract your muscles without moving […]Read More

Core bracing for bodybuilding and powerlifting

Bodybuilding and powerlifting are both physically demanding strength sports that require power, stability, and control. One crucial aspect preconized by both disciplines is the activation and bracing of the core muscles. Properly bracing the core not only enhances performance by allowing heavier loads, but also prevents injuries and provides a solid foundation for lifting heavy […]Read More

Training techniques for the advanced

Are you looking to take your workout routine to the next level? If so, you may be interested in incorporating advanced training techniques into your workouts. These techniques are designed to push your body to new limits and help you achieve your fitness goals faster. However, it’s important to remember that advanced training techniques should […]Read More

To ice or not to ice? The truth about ice baths…

You’ve probably seen some athletes or fitness buffs jumping into a tub of ice-cold water after a hard workout. They say it helps them recover faster and feel better. But is that true? And is it safe for everyone? Here’s what you need to know about ice baths. What are ice baths? Ice baths are […]Read More

Jump Higher, Run Faster: Exploring the Benefits of Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a form of exercise that involves explosive and powerful movements designed to increase muscular power and speed. The exercises typically involve jumping, bounding, and hopping movements that challenge the muscles to generate maximum force in a short amount of time. The key principle behind plyometric exercises is the stretch-shortening cycle. This refers to […]Read More

Training with a partner or a trainer

Training with someone else is one of the most effective ways to achieve your fitness goals and improve your performance in the gym. Sure, you lose some of the flexibility that working out by yourself provides, but the benefits far outweigh the cons in my opinion.  Not only does it help keep you accountable and […]Read More

Maintaining bodybuilding success in the long run

Bodybuilding is not just a hobby or a sport, it’s a lifestyle. It takes discipline, dedication, and commitment to achieve your goals and maintain your success. But what happens when the initial excitement fades away, and you’re left with the challenge of sustaining your progress in the long run? In this article, we’ll explore some […]Read More

Make your calves and forearms grow – Exercises and Tips

Training calves and forearms is often a challenging task for many fitness enthusiasts, especially because these are probably the two most genetically-bound muscle groups in one’s physique. Additionally, both these groups tend to be neglected in many training routines with little to no specific workouts devoted to them, but they are still very important for […]Read More