Tags : Sports Performance

Tips and exercises for a strong back

The unique challenge of back training most responsible for so many underdeveloped back muscles is the inability to see the muscles being trained. Therefore success in developing the back is completely related to how strong of a mind to muscle link you can develop. Make sure your back is in its strongest position that is […]Read More

Top 4 safest oral AAS

What are the 4 safest oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids one can use? Well, no AAS is 100% safe to use, but figuring out what the safest ones are depends on one’s own definition of the word “safe”. Oral AAS that cause hair loss may be safe to someone who is bald or someone who doesn’t […]Read More

Viagra Effects on Lifters

One of the most common and known effect of sildenafil is the increase of blood flow to all muscles, which in turn results in a better “pump” for exercise. PDE-5 inhibitors lower estrogen levels. If you have a BMI of less than 27, a dose of Cialis between 10-20 mg taken 10 times a month […]Read More

Tendonitis – How to treat it and one powerful alternative

For bodybuilding purposes, tendonitis is an overuse injury that results in inflammation of the tendon and, of course, discomfort and pain. This injury is most likely to occur when a person changes the type, intensity, or duration of their training. As far as overuse injuries go, these result from repetitive microtrauma that leads to inflammation […]Read More

Biorhythms: how do they affect your results in the gym?

It’s common sense between elite athletes and bodybuilders that keeping a precise routine is key for achieving maximum results. Having a set schedule to wake up and go to sleep every day at the same time, timing your meals down to the minute and training every day at a consistent time are often described as […]Read More

Weed and Bodybuilding

If you’ve ever watched Pumping Iron, the famous documentary from the 1970s, you probably remember witnessing Arnold Schwarzenegger smoke a joint as he celebrated the winning of his 1975 Mr. Olympia title. As it happens, marijuana usage and bodybuilding are tightly correlated and have been this way for several decades. The question is: how does […]Read More

Genetics can alter your athletic performance

Genetics can alter sports performance, response to the use of PEDs and decide which diet is the most effective for you. Genetics and PEDs use Many people talk about the genetic response to steroids, of “good” and “bad” responders to these compounds, your product may not be underdosed but because of your genetics you do […]Read More