You may have heard before that bodybuilders usually do ABCDE body-part split workouts, working one muscle group a day. If so, you may be tempted to copy that yourself because if they’re doing it, it must be the superior choice, right? Well, what you have to consider is that you are probably not doing everything […]Read More
The contrast method in bodybuilding is an advanced training technique that involves pairing heavy strength exercises with lighter power-based exercises in order to increase explosive power, neural involvement and muscle growth. A good pairing involves selecting exercises that require similar muscle groups performed in the same plane of motion. You can do 3-6 reps of […]Read More
Almost everyone will reach a point in their training program where it seems they are working their butt off but getting nowhere. This is described as a “plateau”. When you plateau, something needs to change. First, you should evaluate your program. Ask yourself: How long have I been consistent? How often do I change up […]Read More
This is the scenario if you walk around a gym today: there aren’t many people who are extremely muscular. Others are really thin and struggle to gain muscle. The rest fall somewhere between these two groups. There are many people using steroids, especially at “hardcore” gyms. Many of them aspire to grow as big as […]Read More
For bodybuilding purposes, tendonitis is an overuse injury that results in inflammation of the tendon and, of course, discomfort and pain. This injury is most likely to occur when a person changes the type, intensity, or duration of their training. As far as overuse injuries go, these result from repetitive microtrauma that leads to inflammation […]Read More
Not all of us can afford to live the life of a professional bodybuilder who has to worry primarily about training, resting and preparing their meals. Most of us live a complete different reality, with responsibilities that include family, a conventional job, social life and taking care of the house. If you live in a […]Read More
Have you ever felt like you hit a plateau in the gym? In order to keep gaining both strength and size, sometimes you can’t just keep increasing volume and intensity. Often times the best way to keep evolving is to give yourself a break, let your body adapt and consolidate your gains in order to […]Read More
A weak point can be simply defined as a muscle group that is difficult to develop despite training regularly or maintaining a suitable diet, thus lagging behind the rest of the body. Whether we’re talking about an amateur or a competitive bodybuilder, odds are there will be at least one muscle weakness that needs to […]Read More
For most of the people that go to gym, putting in their ear phones and cranking their training playlist is probably one of the best aspects of training. It blocks out all the external noise and gets you in the right mood to lift your heaviest. As a matter of fact, one study surveying weightlifters […]Read More
If you have any experience in the world of bodybuilding/weight training, you have probably already heard of or seen miraculous compounds, cycles, workout routines, supplements and dietary programs that promise you’ll gain 30lbs of muscle in just 30 days if you just buy it and do whatever they say. Well, to cut it short, […]Read More