Dealing with joint stiffness on AAS

Dealing with joint stiffness on AAS

In bodybuilding, joint stiffness can occur due to intense training and the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).

AAS use may lead to joint discomfort by altering fluid retention and collagen synthesis, resulting in restricted movement and pain. This can affect performance, recovery, and overall joint health, while also facilitating the occurrence of injuries.

Therefore, one should do everything in their power to prevent this side-effect and to mitigate it if it still happens. While not all AAS cause these side-effects, but the ones that are more likely to cause them are:

  • Winstrol

  • Masteron

  • Proviron

  • Halotestin

  • Trenbolone

And potentially:

  • High doses of Testosterone

  • High doses of Dianabol

  • High doses of Trestolone

The first 5 AAS are dry compounds that are known for drying out the joints, whereas the last 3 are wet compounds that can cause joint problems when one takes a very high dose with no AI, leading to excess water retention which causes joint issues.

The other AAS either have a neutral effect on the joints, or they contribute to their strength and healing by increasing collagen production (Nandrolone being a prime example of that).

Preventing joint stiffness

Preventing joint issues when running the wet compounds is a matter of using the right AI dose (but not too high of a dose) to prevent excess estradiol levels and excess water retention.

On the other hand, preventing joint issues when running dry compounds is a matter of sticking to the following rules:


One should ensure that they are using a Testosterone base and getting sufficient estradiol conversion from it. Excess estradiol can cause water retention and damage the joints but having the right amount of estradiol in your system is essential to keep the joints strong and lubricated.


One should be smart in the gym. Constantly chasing PRs and trying to lift as heavy as possible all the time is a surefire way to damage the joints and get injured. Stretching and warming up with lighter weights is crucial.


One should supplement with joint health supplements. The most obvious one that every AAS user should already be using is Fish Oil at 6g a day or Krill Oil at 3g a day. Besides that, running MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) at 1g a day and taking a couple tablespoons of Collagen Powder a day will do wonders for one’s joints.

Joint stiffness in bodybuilding, especially with AAS use, requires diligent prevention and management. Awareness of compounds that cause joint issues and taking preventive measures, such as proper AI dosing, maintaining balanced estradiol levels, smart training, and using joint health supplements is crucial.

You can learn more about harm-mitigation on AAS in the ANABOLIC HANDBOOK


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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