Phenibut 101 – The Perfect Alcohol Alternative

Phenibut 101 – The perfect alcohol alternative?

Phenibut (also known Anvifen) is, for all intents and purposes, the exact opposite of a stimulant. The latter stimulate the central nervous system, whereas Phenibut “suppresses” it and has relaxing, anxiolytic properties. However, Phenibut also has some “stimulating” properties, but not the ones you would expect.

Phenibut is a synthetic derivative of GABA, a natural neurotransmitter that stimulates dopamine and serotonin production while also improving sleep quality.

Phenibut is often used in bodybuilding circles as an alternative to alcohol because it can improve mood, cause euphoria and generally provide the same positive effects as alcohol without causing dehydration, hangovers, liver damage, inhibiting protein synthesis or increasing calorie intake.

It can also be used as a nootropics for better memory and focus, although using higher doses can cause the opposite effect by inducing sleepiness.

Benefits of Phenibut

The benefits of Phenbiut are many. As previously mentioned, this drug can make one more sociable, outgoing, happy, excited and  euphoric while also reducing aggression and social anxiety. A lot of users also report increase motivation not only to go out and talk to people (phenibut is common in seduction/pick-up circles), but also to work hard on any given task.

And it is precisely this increase in motivation, paired with the focus and memory-boosting properties of Phenibut that make it an excellent nootropic for people who want to excel at their work or at studying.

In the right environment, Phenibut can also be used to induce sleep and improve its quality throughout the entire night by preventing insomnia.

Besides these 3 big benefits, Phenibut has also been shown to reduce blood pressure, fight headaches, help in addiction withdrawal, reducing stuttering and protecting the brain from neurotoxic drugs and neurodegenerative diseases.

Side-effects of Phenibut

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that phenibut has virtually no side-effects if dosed properly. Taking high doses can cause unwanted sleepiness and muscle tremors, mixing it with blood pressure medications can cause hypotension and overdosing it could even cause a temporary loss of consciousness.

The bad news is that phenibut can be very addictive if used regularly. Just like a lot of people become addicted to alcohol because it makes them feel good, some people become addicted to phenibut for the same reason. Fortunately, phenibut addiction is not as dangerous as alcoholism, but any addiction can be harmful in the long run and it can cause withdrawal symptoms when one attempts to break it.

How to use it

In order to not become addicted to Phenibut, one should use it very sparingly and with a very specific purpose in mind.

  • Going to a special event where you want to be as sociable and charismatic as possible? Phenibut will make you stand out.
  • Going to an important job interview? Phenibut will reduce the anxiety and improve your communication skills.
  • Pulling an all-nighter to study for an exam or finish an important project? Low dose Phenibut and some caffeine will keep you awake and sharp.

In terms of dosing, you should never take more than 1g a day. 1g is enough to make you sleepy if you are in an environment that is conducive to falling asleep. 0.5g a day (500mg) is probably enough for most people to experience increased focus, memory, no anxiety, better mood, and improved social skills.

All in all, Phenibut is a fascinating alternative to alcohol and recreational drugs that can not only serve as a social lubricant, but can also improve cognitive performance and sleep quality. Unfortunately it is not side-effect-free, so using it carefully is a must.


William Davis

William has been studying and experimenting with bodybuilding pharmacology for over 6 years. After being an independent researcher for all these years, he has decided to share his knowledge with the bodybuilding community through his science-based articles. His approach to enhanced bodybuilding can be summed up in the saying “less is more”, as he believes that prioritizing harm mitigation and looking for ways to maximize the positives is the key to longevity in bodybuilding.

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