Tags : Pro Tip

Do you really need Tren? – 17 facts to help you decide

If you are into bodybuilding, odds are that you have probably heard of trenbolone before. Thought of as one of the strongest, most powerful steroids out there, it has made quite a reputation for itself over the years among bodybuilders and even recreational steroid users. Funny sayings like “eat clen, tren hard” are very common […]Read More

Weed and Bodybuilding

If you’ve ever watched Pumping Iron, the famous documentary from the 1970s, you probably remember witnessing Arnold Schwarzenegger smoke a joint as he celebrated the winning of his 1975 Mr. Olympia title. As it happens, marijuana usage and bodybuilding are tightly correlated and have been this way for several decades. The question is: how does […]Read More

Weak points – How to stimulate and develop them

A weak point can be simply defined as a muscle group that is difficult to develop despite training regularly or maintaining a suitable diet, thus lagging behind the rest of the body. Whether we’re talking about an amateur or a competitive bodybuilder, odds are there will be at least one muscle weakness that needs to […]Read More

Does music help you train harder?

For most of the people that go to gym, putting in their ear phones and cranking their training playlist is probably one of the best aspects of training. It blocks out all the external noise and gets you in the right mood to lift your heaviest. As a matter of fact, one study surveying weightlifters […]Read More

Is a test-only cycle the best first cycle?

Anyone’s first steroid cycle is often the most exciting one, as the person doing it is probably super dedicated at that point, doing everything they can to maximize their results. Also, the first steroid cycle will catch the androgenic receptors in a “virgin” state, and as such it will be able to sensitize them in […]Read More

Bloodwork – A closer look at HPTA results

The Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, or HPTA, is probably the most important parameters a person should look for after a cycle, as it takes the heaviest toll after any steroid usage. Many different strategies and approaches can be taken to make sure your HPTA bounces back to normal when you’re off gear, but the most assertive and […]Read More

Crashed Gear – Why it happens and what to do

For those unfamiliar with the subject, let’s start from the beginning: what is crashed gear? It’s simply the term used for when the hormone becomes unsolubilized within the solution and they become separated, usually forming crystals and giving the vial a waxy, sometimes white, sometimes gluey-looking appearance. So, let’s go over some of the reasons […]Read More

Bloodwork – What to look for

  If you’re willing to start a cycle, the best advice in theory is to look for a doctor to help you with it. Sounds easy, but in practice not many doctors are willing to aid in the task of making sure you do the least damage to your body while using PEDs. If you’re […]Read More