Tags : Pro Tip

Yohimbine 101: eliminate stubborn fat

Yohimbine is an extract of Yohimbe Bark, belonging to a tree that can only be found in certain parts of Africa. This bark has been used by the local population as an aphrodisiac for centuries, but its properties go beyond just improving sexual function. What does yohimbine do? Yohimbine is not backed by a lot […]Read More

Albuterol 101: better than Clenbuterol?

Albuterol is a Beta-2-Adrenergic Agonist developed for the treatment of respiratory disorders in humans and animals. Albuterol is very similar to Clenbuterol, but it has never been as popular because it’s a much weaker compound. Despite this, Albuterol is easier to get and much safer. In fact, most people who have tried both prefer albuterol […]Read More

Tesofensine 101

Tesofensine is an SNDRI (Serotonin-Norepinephrine-Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor) medication that was originally developed for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, but which is now being studied for its fat-burning properties. SNDRIs are similar to SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) in that they increase the activity of neurotransmitters to improve mood and well-being. In other words, Tesofensine could […]Read More

Do you really need to eat 6 times a day to build muscle?

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, there are plenty of nutrition myths and misconceptions. One of these myths that has gained popularity is the notion that you must eat six times a day to effectively build muscle. This idea has been widely perpetuated by bodybuilders, leading many individuals to follow strict eating schedules and […]Read More

Hardcore Appetite Suppressants

When it comes to losing fat, one of the most powerful tools one can use is an appetite suppressant, especially if one is always struggling not to eat during a cut. There are dozens of appetite suppressants that one can get over the counter in any pharmacy or even through amazon. Supplements containing saffron extract, […]Read More

Hyaluronic acid site enhancement

Site enhancement is an enhanced bodybuilding practice which consists in injecting specific muscles with volumizing agents that can increase the visual appearance of muscle overnight. Synthol is a great example of site enhancement. Synthol is an oil that many professional bodybuilders (and those crazy Brazilian guys with fake swollen arms we’ve all seen) use to […]Read More

BPC-157 for brain healing

BPC-157, or Body Protective Compound-157, is a synthetic peptide derived from a protein found in the digestive system. While its primary use has been for gut-related issues and improved healing, recent research has shown that BPC-157 has immense potential in healing brain damage. In this post, we will explore the uses of BPC-157 in a […]Read More

Core bracing for bodybuilding and powerlifting

Bodybuilding and powerlifting are both physically demanding strength sports that require power, stability, and control. One crucial aspect preconized by both disciplines is the activation and bracing of the core muscles. Properly bracing the core not only enhances performance by allowing heavier loads, but also prevents injuries and provides a solid foundation for lifting heavy […]Read More