Tags : AAS

Most dangerous steroids

We all know that, in order to achieve the physique of our dreams, there comes a time where (hopefully) we’ve already explored our genetic potential to a decent extent with proper training and dieting, and must resort to something extra, in the form of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AASs). AASs, given you continue training and eating properly, […]Read More

Gaining 30lbs in 30 days – Is it possible?

  If you have any experience in the world of bodybuilding/weight training, you have probably already heard of or seen miraculous compounds, cycles, workout routines, supplements and dietary programs that promise you’ll gain 30lbs of muscle in just 30 days if you just buy it and do whatever they say. Well, to cut it short, […]Read More

Is a test-only cycle the best first cycle?

Anyone’s first steroid cycle is often the most exciting one, as the person doing it is probably super dedicated at that point, doing everything they can to maximize their results. Also, the first steroid cycle will catch the androgenic receptors in a “virgin” state, and as such it will be able to sensitize them in […]Read More

Bloodwork – What to look for

  If you’re willing to start a cycle, the best advice in theory is to look for a doctor to help you with it. Sounds easy, but in practice not many doctors are willing to aid in the task of making sure you do the least damage to your body while using PEDs. If you’re […]Read More

Post-injection pain. Why it may occur and how to avoid it

Post-injection pain, or PIP, generally speaking is the pain experienced after taking an intramuscular shot of a certain substance, in our case a mixture of a hormone salt, any concentration of solvent, preservatives/antiseptics, and a carrier. Most of the pain is caused when carrier and solvents are absorbed by the body and the crystals are […]Read More

Short cycles: why you should consider them

In practical terms, any use of supraphysiological hormones for an amount of time between 2 to 6 weeks can be considered a short cycle. Now you may have heard throughout your whole life that anything below 8 or 10 weeks is a waste of time and gear, but in reality, there are a few cases […]Read More